Why would Professor Ed Chang of UC Riverside take a National Archives file Susan was given in 2001 about Dosan and make a claim he was the first person to discover it in 2017? Desperate to build a false impression of credibility.
Why would Chang rewrite a book Susan had worked on about Dosan and remove the Foreword she was asked to write and did in 1994? Fear of the truth most likely.
KW Lee and Mike Myung Hee Hong claimed Chang is the "Expert" on Korean American history. Edward Teaho Chang the Director of the University of California at Riverside Young Oak Kim Center is a mediocre academician who has pulled the wool over the eyes the world revising Korean American history. Chang is excellent at being incorrect.
Chang should dedicate himself to study Syngman Rhee since they are of the same character and ethics.
Chang had no right to make claim to the documents Susan had published in Korea and America in 2002 as well as in her book Willow Tree Shade written by John Cha in 2003. The document at right was found and given to Susan by Elaine Mae woo a Chinese American hsitorian.
Chang had no right to remove the Foreword she wrote in 1994. Chang also rewrote the contents of this book adding fake facts in 2015. Chang did this in September two month's after Susan died. Susan always referred to Chang as limited.
Disrespectful action against Susan is one thing. Add disrespecting her to disrespecting history should make any educated person with a conscience think twice about anything Chang or his colleagues write and teach.
Another sad thing about this situation is the Dosan Memorial Foundation and the Hung Sa Dan (aka Young Korean Academy) condoned Chang's actions. HSD and DMF sponsored the book revision. Ironic and disappointing.